Falcon Families: Please remember that tomorrow is an early release day due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. Students will be released at 12:45 p.m. and arrive at bus stops 3 hours earlier than usual. Conferences will be held in the gymnasium tomorrow, Thursday, October 10th from 2-4 p.m. and then again from 5-7 p.m. Due to all staff being at conferences, our Falcon Flyers afterschool program is canceled tomorrow. Thank you and we hope to see you all at conferences!

Attn 6th Grade Falcon Families: On 10/15, Coconino County will be providing free dental screenings & sealents to your student. Return the form sent home with your student by 10/10 to receive these services at school. Contact our Health Aide at 928-635-4428 with any questions!

Heartfelt thanks to Sean Casey and Bearizona for pledging $90,000 over the next three years to our WEMS Afterschool/Friday Falcon Flyer Program! The program's starting off strong and we still have some spaces left. Call the school to sign up. #WEMSCommunityPartners #FalconFlyers

Falcons soccer played an awesome game in the championships today against the Ash Fork Spartens. They were tied at the end of regulation play, and lost in penalty kicks.

Mrs. Mann's Kindergarten class is learning 3D shapes. They built cones, cylinders, cubes and pyramids!

Attention WUSD Families:Prescribed/controlled burn this Fri. near Kaibab Lake, N to Pronghorn & W toward the airport. No burn Sat. Sunday, near the airport & continue outward from there.Info available @ the WUSD DO re: the fire. Expect heavy smoke, helicopters, & visible flames.

Congratulations to our elementary students of the month for October! Way to exemplify S.O.A.R.S.

SAVE THE DATE! PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES and early release. We look forward to seeing you.

WHS FCCLA council members attended their first leadership trip of the year. On September 23-25, our council members went to Young Life for the annual Arizona FCCLA Leadership Camp. It was full of team building exercises, relationship building, and council classes.

Greetings Vikings and Falcons!
The Bonfire has been rescheduled for Oct 10th, from 7:30-9:30 pm at the Rodeo Grounds, weather/wind permitting! Come help us celebrate WHS and our Seniors!

A true tactile experience: Our kindergarteners learning sight words by tracing them in shaving cream. #MultiSensoryLearning #SightWordsRock!

The Cheer Team is going to Competition!
Please help them fund raise this year by updating your Viking swag! #FanCloth #GoVikes #Cheer #Dance #Skol

Third graders using their interactive notebooks as a resource for a "Text Feature Scavenger Hunt!" #IndependentLearners #ScavengerHuntMadness!

Photo Credit: Wendy Howell/WGCN

Wow! We've already had 50 students register for our Afterschool/Friday Falcon Flyers program! If you haven't signed your child up yet (and also if you have!), come to the Kick-Off Celebration tomorrow, Monday, September 30th, in the WEMS cafeteria at 4 p.m. This event is for all students, families, and staff. We'll have food catered by the Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff, play games, and recognize our many partners. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 4 p.m.!

Reminder: Today from 4-6 p.m. you can register your child for the Falcon Flyers Afterschool/Friday program that starts this Monday! This program is first come, first served, so stop by the WEMS cafeteria today! Also, a big thank you to St. Mary's Food Bank for committing to providing every child who attends the Falcon Flyers program a complete meal every day!

Coach Brownlee's article in the Williams News!
Photo Credit: Wendy Howell/WGCN

Wow! Thank you Mr. Eche and GCB CEO Mr. Peasley!
Photo Credit: Erin Ford/WGCN

Ms. Tara and Ms. Jamie took our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders on a field trip adventure this past Friday! Students visited Flagstaff Arboretum and then hiked at Keyhole Sink!

Over the weekend, the WHS Band had the opportunity to perform during the Grand Canyon Railway‘s anniversary!